It's All the Same

Robert Moya

. It's All the Same (2011)

Plywood, glue, food coloring, and craft acrylic

12 x 20 in.

Email ( for the price list

Bleeding Patience

Robert Moya

. Bleeding Patience (2011)

Plywood, glue, food coloring, and craft acrylic

9 x 13 in.

Email ( for the price list

Going Slowly, Nowhere

Robert Moya

. Going Slowly, Nowhere (2011)

Plywood, glue, food coloring, and craft acrylic

12 x 16 in.

Email ( for the price list

Once Upon a Time

Robert Moya

. Once Upon a Time (2011)

Plywood, glue, food coloring, and craft acrylic

12 x 16 in.

Email ( for the price list


Robert Moya

. Algae (2011)

Plywood, glue, food coloring, and craft acrylic

11.5 x 13 in.

Email ( for the price list